Coach Bradshaw
Burnice Hackney - On family, school integration, and inequality in Chapel Hill
This interview is part of an oral history project called Southern Communities: Listening for a Change: Mighty Tigers--Oral HIstories of Chapel Hill's Lincoln High School. The interviewes were conducted from 2000-2001, by Bob Gilgor, with former teachers, staff, and students from Chapel Hill, N.C.'s…
Burnice Hackney - On family, school integration, and inequality in Chapel Hill
Clementine Self - On her childhood, civil rights, education, and school integration
“I was going for my education, I was really going to make a statement that I’ve integrated this school–or desegregated, it was never integrated–desegregated the school. That was my goal.”
- Clementine Self
Clementine Self is a former student of Lincoln High School in Chapel Hill, NC. She…
Clementine Self - On her childhood, civil rights, education, and school integration
Clyde Perry - On his childhood, family, education, and integration
This interview is part of an oral history project called Southern Communities: Listening for a Change: Mighty Tigers--Oral HIstories of Chapel Hill's Lincoln High School. The interviewes were conducted from 2000-2001, by Bob Gilgor, with former teachers, staff, and students from Chapel Hill, N.C.'s…
Clyde Perry - On his childhood, family, education, and integration
David Mason, Jr. - On Lincoln High School, school desegregation, and Northside
David Mason, Jr. a lifetime resident of Chapel Hill, is one of the leaders of the Lincoln High Alumni Association, an active member of St. Joseph CME, and a community historian. This interview, conducted as part of the Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Saving and Making History’s local Life…
David Mason, Jr. - On Lincoln High School, school desegregation, and Northside
Willie "Brad" Bradshaw - On his childhood, education, and career coaching sports
“If you have good football teams, it permeates throughout the entire school and it helps the other things that you’re going to do come up to par, come up to snuff or whatever you want to call it. It cuts down on a lot of discipline problems. Kids want to do more in school, because they see the…
Willie "Brad" Bradshaw - On his childhood, education, and career coaching sports